ครบเครื่อง เรื่องปุ๋ยยา
1. โทรสั่งซื้อที่ 089-459-9003
2. แอดไลน์ไอดี PrimPB แชทสั่งซื้อ
3. สั่งทางเฟสปริม เฟสบุ๊คปริมคลิกที่นี่
4. สั่งผ่านะระบบตระกร้าสินค้า FKX.asia
5. สั่งผ่านเว็บลาซาด้า LAZADA.co.th
ทุกช่องทาง ชำระเงินขณะรับสินค้าที่บ้านคุณ
หมวด: ไร่อ้อย | อ่านแล้ว 19032 คน | สั่งพิมพ์หน้านี้ | L

How to mix fertilizer for sugarcane

Generally we provide fertilizers to sugarcane two times per year. With mix fertilizer in formula for growth sugarcane, y


How to sugarcane fertilization and how to mix fertilizer

Generally we provide fertilizers to sugarcane two times per year. With mix fertilizer in formula for growth sugarcane, you will reduce crop cost, increase sugarcane yield and improve total productivity in same time.

Suitable fertilizer for sugarcane

For sugarcane we give fertilizer two time per year.
1. Before planting or priming use 25-7-7 or 15-15-15
2. Sugarcane aged 3 month use 20-8-20

Amount of fertilizers given to sugarcane.

The foundation fertilizer formulated is 25-7-7 on ratio 125 kg per acre.
II, when sugar cane aged 3 months give 20-8-20 at the rate of 125 kg per acre. For ratoon cane given 20-8-20 at the rate of 187.5 kg per acre.

Not have to buy fertilizer as recommended. Why?

Reduce cost with our mobile app can get knowledge like a fertilizer manufacturer on your hand phone, easy to use, make sense, everyone can use.
Mixing fertilizer by yourself can reduce cost of fertilizer per crop around 30%-50%. "Fertilizer Mixing Calculators" can provide convenient to calculate the proportion of Urea(46-0-0), DAP(18-46-0) and MOP(0-0-60) for mix to any formula of fertilizer.

Just buy 3 type of fertilizer
1. Urea (46-0-0)
2. DAP (18-46-0)
3. MOP (0-0-60)
4. Filler (If you need): filler is anything can full fill to 100% of output from fertilizer mixing process. For example Dolomite, Rock Phosphate or other nutrient as you like. If you want to ignore the filler, It does not matter

Install “Fertilizer Mixing Calculators ” mobile app.
Just 9.5 USD it can provide convenience to calculate proportion to mix fertilizer into any formula as you need.

In mobile app console, just fill N-P-K values (Fertilizer formula form) and specify amount of fertilizer as you want then click "Calculate" button. The app will display amount of 46-0-0, amount of 18-46-0, amount of 0-0-60 and amount of filler to mix the fertilizer into formula as you choose.

You want 150 kilograms of 25-5-18 fertilizer
Fill N-P-K in app console
N = 25
P = 5
K = 18
Total Need = 150
and click "Calculate"
App will display
46-0-0 = 75.13 kilograms
18–46-0 = 16.3 kilograms
0-0-60 = 45 kilograms
Filler = 13.57 kilograms
This is proportion for mix, and after mixed you will get 29-5-18 = 150 kilograms

Many people may not be accustomed to pay to buy the app because it is not tangible. But in fact, It can be a lot reduced cost of fertilizer in your farm. Just try!

Install Fertilizer Mixing Calculators on your mobile now! Just 3.5 USD

Install Fertilizer Mixing Calculators on your mobile now

อ่านเรื่องนี้แล้ว : 19032 คน £



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