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1. โทรสั่งซื้อที่ 089-459-9003
2. แอดไลน์ไอดี PrimPB แชทสั่งซื้อ
3. สั่งทางเฟสปริม เฟสบุ๊คปริมคลิกที่นี่
4. สั่งผ่านะระบบตระกร้าสินค้า FKX.asia
5. สั่งผ่านเว็บลาซาด้า LAZADA.co.th
ทุกช่องทาง ชำระเงินขณะรับสินค้าที่บ้านคุณ
หมวด: สมุนไพร | อ่านแล้ว 14726 คน | สั่งพิมพ์หน้านี้ | L

African Leaves Natural Cure for Stroke

Stroke is a monster you should never temper with.


Stroke is a monster you should never temper with. I advise you not to take this monster lightly and allow it to ruin your world or take your life away. This monster attacks you slowly but suddenly when you are least expected of. Once it attacks you, it may be very difficult or too late to recover your health again if you are not lucky.

African leaves stroke cure treatment

About 2 years ago, my doctor advised me to seek medical treatment for my health after going through a medical check up and finding both my blood pressure and cholesterol levels had exceeded their allowable high limits. He stressed strongly I should seek medical treatment immediately, but I ignored his advice and went on with my normal way of living.

Several months ago, I finally understood the meaning of my doctor’s advice and paid the price for ignoring it. If you ever wonder how it feels like when you have a stroke, let me tell you this horrifying experience. I was lucky, I only suffered a mild stroke enough to wake me up not to temper with this monster again.

Just before and after the check up, I frequently had the difficulty to recover from a minor sprain or muscle aches easily. Every time when I had a muscle sprain, it would take a long time and a lot of medical treatment like acupuncture to recover from the sprain. Previously, when I had such a problem, a few medicate oilment rub would get rid of the sprain and I would recover very fast from my sprain but not this time.

Going forward, I began to develop problem even to put on a T-shirt as I couldn’t move my arms easily upwards. I couldn’t even reach my shoulder or back with both my arms. I didn’t have a clue what was going on with my body as I had forgotten what my doctor was trying to tell me then. Although having these difficulties, I went on with my life but frequently had to seek acupuncture treatment to reduce some of my suffering. The acupuncture treatment could only help me temporary but never really help me with my health problem.

One day, I woke up and found myself unable to stand up properly. Both my two limbs were just too weak to support my body weight anymore. I would feel great pain on my limbs whenever I tried to move them. I didn’t even have the strength to move them also. Even holding a spoon was a difficult task for me to do. I measured my blood pressure. It was reading about 143 mmHG. I started taking Glucosamine supplement and Lipitor from my doctor’s prescription. Although, there was some improvement after taking these supplements, it never really cured me. My limbs were just as too weak to do anything normally.

Just around this time, my younger brother had a mild stroke. He couldn’t move his jaw properly. He was hospitalized but was discharged later. I found out that he went well again not because of treatment from the hospital, but because he started eating African leaves. My sister had told me about this plant before, but I never took her words seriously.

I decided to try out the African leaves out of desperation and started eating the African leaves. After about 4 days of eating the African leaves, I started to feel strength coming back to my limbs and hands again. Although at first the strength came very slowly, but it is enough to let me know that the leaves were working. After about 2 weeks of taking the African leaves, I walked properly again. My arms were able to reach to my shoulder and back again as they had used to. I had no problem to put on a T-shirt again without the help of my family. Today, my blood pressure reading is 127 mmHG.

What, I learned from other sources about this African leaves is that you could dry them and brew them just like tea for health drink. Few months ago, my eldest sister-in-law also came down with the same problem of not able to walk properly. She had spent a lot of money on medical treatment but didn’t help her condition at all. I told her of my case and recommended her to try out the African leaves. Today, she is able to walk normally again.

How does the African leaves taste? This leave gives a very bitter taste, so bitter that it can be hard for someone to take it. After chewing and swallowing the leaves, a sensational feeling in your throat will last for a while. The sensational feeling will make you want to eat the leaves again.

Where can you find this plant? This plant is grown commonly in Singapore. You can almost find them in every HDB estate.

from : http://bernardlsh.hubpages.com

หมายเหตุสำหรับข้อมูลในหมวดสมุนไพร : การใช้สมุนไพรเพื่อเป็นยารักษาโรคนั้น ควรศึกษาจากผู้เชี่ยวชาญที่มีความรู้ให้มีความเข้าใจ และควรติดต่อหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้องของภาครัฐ เพื่อยืนยันข้อมูลที่ได้มา เพื่อคัดกรองข้อมูลให้ถูกต้อง และศึกษาผลข้างเคียงโดยละเอียด ว่าไม่มีผลกระทบข้างเคียงใดๆ
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อ่านเรื่องนี้แล้ว : 14726 คน £



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